1 .Andaman & Nicobar (UT) - Andaman & Nicobar Islands Integrated Development Corporation Limited (ANIIDCO) Website: http://aniidco.and.nic.in
2 .Andhra Pradesh - Andhra Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation Limited Website: https://www.apiic.in
3 .Arunachal Pradesh - Arunachal Pradesh Industrial Development & Financial Corporation Limited (APIDFC) Website: https://www.apidfc.in
4. Assam - Assam Industrial Development Corporation Limited Website: http://www.aidcltd.com
5. Chandigarh (UT) - Chandigarh Industrial & Tourism Development Corporation Limited (CITCO) Website: https://www.chandigarh.gov.in
6. Chhattisgarh - Chhattisgarh State Industrial Development Corporation Limited Website: https://csidc.in/
7. Dadra & Nagar Haveli (UT) - Department of Information Technology (Dadra Nagar Haveli e-Governance Society) Website: https://dnh.gov.in
8. Daman & Diu (UT) - Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, Website: https://www.daman.nic.in
9. Delhi - Delhi State Industrial Development Corporation Limited (DSIDC) Website: https://www.dsiidc.org
10. Goa - Goa Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) Website: http://www.goaidc.com
11. Gujarat - Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) Website: https://gidc.gujarat.gov.in
12. Haryana - Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (HSIIDC) Website: http://hsiidc.org.in
13. Himachal Pradesh - The Himachal Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation Limited (HPSIDC) Website: https://www.hpsidc.org
14. Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) (UT) - J&K State Industrial Development Corporation (SIDCO) Website: https://jkindustriescommerce.nic.in/jksidco.html
15. Jharkhand¬ - Department of Industry Website: https://www.jharkhand.gov.in/industries
16. Karnataka - Karnataka State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (KSIIDC) Website: http://www.ksiidc.com
17. Kerala - kerala state industrial development corporation limited Website: https://kerala.gov.in Website:https://www.ksidc.org
18. Lakshadweep (UT) - Department of Industries Website: https://lakshadweep.gov.in
19. Madhya Pradesh - Madhya Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation Ltd . Website: https://www.mpindustry.gov.in/
20. Maharashtra - Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation Limited (MIDC). Website: http://www.midcindia.org
21. Manipur - Manipur Industrial Development Corporation Limited Website:http://www.manidco.in
22. Nagaland - Nagaland Industrial Development Corporation (NIDC) Website:http://www.nagaind.com
23. Odisha - Industrial Promotion and Investment Corporation of Odisha Limited (IPICOL) Website: http://www.investodisha.org, http://www.ipicolorissa.com
24. Puducherry (UT) - Puducherry Industrial Promotion Development and Investment Corporation Limited Website: http://www.pipdic.com
25. Punjab - Department of Industries and Commerce Website: http://pbindustries.gov.in
26. Rajasthan - Rajasthan State Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited Website: https://www.rajasthan.gov.in/industries
27. Sikkim - Sikkim Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited (SIDICO) Website: https://www.sikkim.gov.in
28. Tamil Nadu - Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Limited (TIDCO) Website: http://www.tidco.com
29. Tripura - Tripura Industrial Development Corporation Limited Website: https://tidc.tripura.gov.in
30. Uttar Pradesh - Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation Website: https://onlineupsida.com/
31. Uttarakhand - State Infrastructure & Industrial Development Corporation of Uttarakhand Limited (SIDCUL) Website: https://www.siidcul.com
32. West Bengal - West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation Limited (WBIDC) Website: http://www.wbidc.com